A recent article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences highlights the critical role that agrobiodiversity plays in improving soil fertility, incomes and food security, while enhancing ecological sustainability and providing more stable yields. The study examines the ecological and economic role that a more diverse cropping system, using legumes, have in Malawi. Dr. Sieglinde Snapp, a crop ecologist who has collaborated with SFHC for many years, was the first author. The study included data from Ekwendeni, and Dr. Rachel Bezner Kerr, the SFHC Research Coordinator, was another co-author of the study, along with Dr. George Kanyama-Phiri, another SFHC collaborator who has recently been appointed by the President of Malawi as the head of the Green Revolution Development programme in Malawi. The article information is as follows:
Snapp, S. S., M.J. Blackie, R.A. Gilbert, R. Bezner Kerr, G.Y. Kanyama-Phiri. ‘Biodiversity can support a greener revolution in Africa’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1073/pnas.1007199107
A full abstract is available in the ‘Research Results’ section of the website.
Posted: May 19, 2011 by rachel Leave a Comment
Foreign Policy article highlights SFHC
Our work has been called a ‘third way’ for addressing hunger and food insecurity in the Global South, in a recent article by Raj Patel in Foreign Policy:
Dr. Patel visited SFHC in 2009 to learn more about what we are doing, and has kept in contact over the past two years, including a recent visit in March 2011 to Malawi where he interviewed Rachel Bezner Kerr.
Posted: May 4, 2011 by rachel Leave a Comment
SFHC story on Radio-Canada website
A story about SFHC’s work has been highlighted on ‘The Link’ a Radio-Canada website focused on the links between Africans and Canadians:
Rachel Bezner Kerr and Paul Mkandawire were both interviewed for this story.
Posted: April 29, 2011 by rachel Leave a Comment
Article about SFHC on UN website
The nutritional results of SFHC have been the focus of a recent story on the website of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs:
This story has received positive attention from other sources, including a blog about agricultural biodiversity – see http://agro.biodiver.se/2011/04/agricultural-diversity-improves-health/
Posted: January 3, 2011 by rachel Leave a Comment
Biodiversity article in PNAS includes SFHC work
A recent article published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences highlights the critical role that agrobiodiversity plays in improving soil fertility, incomes and food security, while enhancing ecological sustainability and providing more stable yields. The study examines the ecological and economic role that a more diverse cropping system, using legumes, have in Malawi. Dr. Sieglinde Snapp, a crop ecologist who has collaborated with SFHC for many years, was the first author. The study included data from Ekwendeni, and Dr. Rachel Bezner Kerr, the SFHC Research Coordinator, was another co-author of the study, along with Dr. George Kanyama-Phiri, another SFHC collaborator who has recently been appointed by the President of Malawi as the head of the Green Revolution Development programme in Malawi. The article information is as follows:
Snapp, S. S., M.J. Blackie, R.A. Gilbert, R. Bezner Kerr, G.Y. Kanyama-Phiri. ‘Biodiversity can support a greener revolution in Africa’ Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. doi:10.1073/pnas.1007199107
A full abstract is available in the ‘Research Results’ section of the website.
Posted: January 3, 2011 by rachel Leave a Comment
BBC radio highlights SFHC
SFHC is highlighted on a recent radio programme on the BBC radio 4. Click on the following link to listen.
The broadcaster travelled to Malawi and highlighted the work of SFHC as a future alternative for Malawi. Lizzie Shumba (project coordinator) and Enoch Chione (community promoter and FRT member) are both interviewed.
Last Updated: November 15, 2010 by rachel Leave a Comment
New article in Public Health Nutrition
Rachel Bezner Kerr, Peter Berti and Lizzie Shumba recently had an article published in Public Health Nutrition which documents the positive nutritional effects which SFHC has had on children’s growth, in villages which are actively involved in SFHC. The full abstract is listed in our ‘Research results’ section. The article is as follows:
Bezner Kerr, R., Berti, P.R. and Shumba, L. 2010 ‘Effects of Participatory Agriculture and Nutrition project on Child Growth in Northern Malawi‘ Public Health Nutrition (Cambridge University Press) doi:10.1017/S1368980010002545
Posted: July 9, 2010 by rachel Leave a Comment
SFHC in the news
SFHC has been highlighted by the International Development Research Centre on their website: http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-156175-201-1-DO_TOPIC.html
An article in the magazine ‘Seedling’ also highlighted SFHC, including an interview with Enoch Chione, a participating farmer and SFHC community promoter (see cover of magazine and ‘Box 5’ which was co-authored by Lizzie Shumba and Rachel Bezner Kerr): http://www.grain.org/seedling/?id=665
Posted: July 9, 2010 by rachel Leave a Comment
Farmers testing Cowpea and Sorghum
Two hundred farmers throughout Ekwendeni region tested sorghum and cowpea in 2009-2010 season as possible drought-tolerant crops to include in their farming system to increase food security. Farmers designed their own experiments to test the crops, some growing them in intercrops, others trying sole-cropping systems. All farmers met to discuss their experiments in February, to exchange ideas and experiences. Some farmers had difficulty with germination of the sorghum, which is a very small-seeded crop, but many were excited by the possibility of adding another crop which is better able to withstand dry spells. An initial assessment of the experiments will be conducted after the harvest is completed.
Posted: July 9, 2010 by rachel Leave a Comment
Planning Meeting for new Climate Change Adaptation project
SFHC held a planning meeting with colleagues from the Ekwendeni Hospital AIDS Programme, Bunda College of Agriculture, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, the University of Western Ontario (Canada) and MALEZA in May 2010. We are launching a new research project, funded by the International Development Research Centre, called Participatory Farmer Research on Agroecological Adaptation to Environmental Change and HIV/AIDS in Malawi. The project, which is taking place in Ekwendeni and Kasungu (central Malawi) will involve participatory experiments with 400 households on climate change adaptation strategies, along with research to understand farmer and government perspectives on climate change.
Posted: September 4, 2009 by rachel Leave a Comment
Recipes demonstrated to Canadian visitors
A group of sixteen Canadians, representing the Presbyterian Church in Canada, visited the SFHC project in August. Several healthy recipes were prepared by participating farmers in the presence of the visitors. Some of these were as follows:soya milk, pigeonpea relish, soya meat, fried bananas, soya coffee, pigeonpea and bananas. The visitors sampled the dishes and enjoyed some songs with the farmers.