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15 Comments on “Contact

  1. Hallo I am interested to know about the role of community promoters and have tried using email above for enquiries about the project but it has been returned to me.

    Please can you make contact and share information about them. I am a volunteer researcher looking at best way to give training and support to local farmers in Malawi


    • Hi Susan, thanks for your comment! We have recently had some problems with our email site, for which we apologize. Please email for any further inquiries. We hope to hear from you soon!

  2. Soils, Food and Healthy Communities X Wikifarmer – A cooperation proposal


    My name is Aggeliki Milioti, and I am a Strategic Partnership Associate at Wikifarmer. Ι have been following your work for quite a while now and I found it really interesting. As a result, our team would like to promote the amazing work your organization is doing, by building a partnership.

    Wikifarmer( has been characterized as ‘’The Wikipedia of farming’’( by FAO. More specifically, it is a worldwide collaboration with the mission of empowering and educating farmers across the world. In 2020, Wikifarmer helped almost 4.700.000 users to be informed on agricultural topics and by 2023 this number will multiply, as our platform will be available in 10 more languages.

    As you understand, sustainability is for both of us a concept of great importance and for this reason, we strongly believe that such a partnership will empower both sides. Among others, we could exchange content for our websites, discuss new ideas and concepts and promote your actions, like webinars or events, through our platform. Moreover, it would be our pleasure to become part of your network.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me for further information and suggestions.

    Kind regards,

    Aggeliki Milioti

    • Dear Aggeliki, thanks for your note. I think we responded by email to your offer, please let us know if you have not received our response. Thanks for your support for our work!
      Best regards,
      SFHC team

  3. Hello,

    I was very interested in learning about the incredible work that you are doing in Malawi. Together with my counterpart Kerime, I have been managing a small teaching farm in northern Togo for the past two years. We focus of implementing and training others in agroecological techniques and reforestation to improve food security and protect the environment in the area where we work. While I know that Togo is quite far away from Malawi, I would love to talk sometime to learn more about your experiences and would welcome any suggestions you may have for a newly beginning community agriculture project.

    Thank you,

    • Dear Michael, Thanks for your comment. Sorry for not seeing it, we had some problems with our website this year and had to get it fixed. Please feel free to write us at for getting in touch and exchanging about your experiences in Togo.
      SFHC team

  4. Hello, did you received my E-Mail from 10th June? I kindly ask to have a short video call to present our Project CrypDonate and how we could support you with donations. Thanks a lot!
    Best regards from Austria,


    • Hello Christian, Thanks for your comment. We did not receive your email. Perhaps you can resend?
      Best regards,
      SFHC team.

  5. Hello,

    Just checking to see if you received my email from August 7th or if there is a better way to reach you other than email.


  6. Good evening. My name is Camilo Salcedo and I want to fit with your needs in order to help to protect the environment and encourage the agricultural development of the planet. I am Colombian and my country is really important for the stability of the earth. Here is a video that I did in Warsaw that resumes what I said. I hope we can create an alliance in order to be successful in our purposes. Best regards.

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