Since our last update with regards to the groundbreaking film ‘The Ants and the Grasshopper’, (following SFHC leaders Anita Chitaya and Esther Lupafya as they travelled to the United States to have difficult conversations surrounding climate change) we have been overjoyed at the response it has received!
If interested, follow this link to request a screening in your town:
New Yorker correspondent Bill McKibben sat down with the Anita Chitaya as well as Raj Patel, to discuss her experience and concerns while making the film:
Additionally, the 2021 Mountainfilm festival bestowed ‘The Ants and the Grasshopper’ with the ‘Moving Mountains Award’, an award reserved for the film that most embodies social activism.
A big “Thank you!” to all who are continuing to support this film!
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Posted: August 16, 2021 by Zoe E
Film Update––The Ants and the Grasshopper: Critical Acclaim and Continued Conversation!
Since our last update with regards to the groundbreaking film ‘The Ants and the Grasshopper’, (following SFHC leaders Anita Chitaya and Esther Lupafya as they travelled to the United States to have difficult conversations surrounding climate change) we have been overjoyed at the response it has received!
If interested, follow this link to request a screening in your town:
New Yorker correspondent Bill McKibben sat down with the Anita Chitaya as well as Raj Patel, to discuss her experience and concerns while making the film:
Additionally, the 2021 Mountainfilm festival bestowed ‘The Ants and the Grasshopper’ with the ‘Moving Mountains Award’, an award reserved for the film that most embodies social activism.
A big “Thank you!” to all who are continuing to support this film!
Category: Uncategorized Tags: Anita, Ants, Chitaya, Climate Change, Esther, Film, Grasshopper, Lupafya, Patel, Raj