SFHC team members Esther Lupafya and Anita Chitaya have arrived in the United States, marking the beginning of a month-long journey across the nation. Working with Raj Patel and Generation Food, they will make stops to share their experience with food systems, social issues, and climate change consequences–and much more. Their trip will put them in touch with a myriad of audiences, spreading awareness and telling their stories along the way.
Today’s stop–Washington, D.C.!
You can follow Raj Patel on Twitter at @_RajPatel, and read more about Generation Food’s mission to share food system stories from around the globe here.
Photo Credit @_RajPatel— From left to right: Anita Chitaya, Esther Lupafya and Raj Patel
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Last Updated: January 16, 2018 by Nola Booth
SFHC in the USA, Filming with Raj Patel
SFHC team members Esther Lupafya and Anita Chitaya have arrived in the United States, marking the beginning of a month-long journey across the nation. Working with Raj Patel and Generation Food, they will make stops to share their experience with food systems, social issues, and climate change consequences–and much more. Their trip will put them in touch with a myriad of audiences, spreading awareness and telling their stories along the way.
Today’s stop–Washington, D.C.!
You can follow Raj Patel on Twitter at @_RajPatel, and read more about Generation Food’s mission to share food system stories from around the globe here.
Photo Credit @_RajPatel— From left to right: Anita Chitaya, Esther Lupafya and Raj Patel
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