A farmer pamphlet committee was formed in February 2008, including 6 farmers from the Farmer Research Team and our new SFHC Young Professional Intern Laura Swift. The pamphlets, designed, written and drawn by the committee, will tell stories of what the farmers feel that they have learned from the SFHC project. Themes will focus on legume production, recipes and gender household relations. The pamphlets will be published locally and shared with other farmers using participatory farmer exchanges.
A draft pamphlet has been developed and is posted below:

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Posted: April 30, 2008 by rachel
Farmer Pamphlets Coming Soon!
A farmer pamphlet committee was formed in February 2008, including 6 farmers from the Farmer Research Team and our new SFHC Young Professional Intern Laura Swift. The pamphlets, designed, written and drawn by the committee, will tell stories of what the farmers feel that they have learned from the SFHC project. Themes will focus on legume production, recipes and gender household relations. The pamphlets will be published locally and shared with other farmers using participatory farmer exchanges.
A draft pamphlet has been developed and is posted below:
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