Previous Projects

Over the years, SFHC has pioneered and experimented with a variety of approaches to addressing food security, nutrition and health with climate change adaptation. Some of these projects are no longer appropriate for our current size and situation, and have been wrapped up to be replaced with new programs. We’ve learned lots at each step of the way!

The Malawi Farmer-to-Farmer Agroecology project (MAFFA)

FARM for Biodiversity project


Mapping Agroecology

Carasso project

Farmer-led Research in Malawi Deepening Knowledge of Impact


5 Comments on “Previous Projects

  1. Pingback: How low-tech farming innovations can make African farmers climate-resilient

  2. Pingback: How Low-Tech Farming Innovation Can Make African Farmers Climate-Resilient | Media Flask

  3. Pingback: How Low-Tech Farming Innovation Can Make African Farmers Climate-Resilient | Gizmodo Australia

  4. I think this is a very wonderful work. I would like to know more about it. Keep it up guys.

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